Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Spiritual Warfare - the Warrior In You (Aggressive Evangelism)

We are fighting the “good” fight of faith so it’s a good fight.  1 Timothy 6:12.   I agree with Joel Osteen, the faith that can overcome the world is not my faith – it’s not Mary’s faith, but it’s the faith that God has put in my heart.  My trust is pathetic, but God’s faith inside me – that is the victory that can overcome this world.

For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. 1 John 5:4

I’ve been running into a lot of geese lately in my neighborhood and some were walking across the road in front of my daughter’s apartment and all the cars had to stop from both directions to wait for the geese crossing.  I’ve been thinking about making them a sign for their crossing.  That aggressive attitude sort of reminds me of the Jurassic Park movie when the Tyrannosaurus Rex just killed the Raptors, and the dinosaur let’s out this big roar and the sign comes down, “Dinosaurs Rule the Earth.”  Only their sign should say “Geese Rule the Road.”

Geese tend to be rather violent at times.  They can attack you!  Anyway, I was thinking about this scripture and how we should be in our prayer requests.  Daniel struggled for 21 days in a prayer request.  So my first blog is on prayer and another one on the hindrances of prayer (why we don’t get our prayers answered).

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has suffered violence, and the violent take it by force. Matthew 11:12

There are different callings a/k/a anointing’s and I’ve noticed that there are some people have more of a “peace” keeping type armada, probably Joel Osteen is one of those people, but I know my armada is to prepare for war.  David was my example.  It’s because I’ve been involved in aggressive evangelism all my life.  Aggressive evangelism is when you don’t wait for opportunities to come to you, but you go out and do the street evangelism, go out into the highways and the bi-ways and compel men to come to our Father’s house.  The hospitals, the prisons, to the homeless, and the nursing homes.   

It’s like Jonathan where he did not wait for Saul to wake up, but he took his armor bearer and he went and took a hill.  To me that is just one other person or musician and go minister to the captives with my guitar and sharing.   

My daughter and I were talking about how my husband and I sort of blew through life the last 15 years many times untouched or unscathed like Job for a while it was like a hedge was around my husband and my life.   She was talking about many times with owning a trampoline in the neighborhood where kids could have gotten hurt, we were very fortunate.

The difference from Solomon and David.  God pointed out the difference that David was a man of war and Solomon was going to have peace:

Then David called for his son Solomon and told him to build the Temple for the Lord, the God of Israel.  David said to him, “My son, I wanted to build a temple for worshiping the Lord my God.  But the Lord spoke his word to me, ‘David, you have killed many people. You have fought many wars. You cannot build a temple for worship to me, because you have killed many people But, you will have a son, a man of peace and rest. I will give him rest from all his enemies around him. His name will be Solomon, and I will give Israel peace and quiet while he is king. 
We tend to think of peace as the absence of war, but I look at it as peace inside, all hell can be breaking loose around us.  I had perfect peace when my husband had a heart attack in front of me.  It was like functioning in the eye of the hurricane, but it was the aftermath of dealing with the absence of his presence, financial decisions, sexual tension and a myriad of other things that robbed my peace and joy of losing my mate in life.

Praise the LORD, who is my rock. He trains my hands for war and gives my fingers skill for battle. Psalm 144:1

It is possible to be at peace even with our enemies.  I’ve had a number of problem neighbors through my life, a married couple who lived next to our family who dealt drugs (more than marijuana), having wild parties and one recently who sold his house that complained when people parked around his house and called the fire department on one of my single parties.   They ended up moving away in my neighborhood, but it was not an “automatic.”  I did a lot of praying for my next door neighbors especially when I woke up one day and there were police outside pointing guns at my neighbors front door in my driveway.  His wife called a domestic violence dispute.  I did not know if the cars in our driveway were going to be shot up.  I had just bought my car! Her husband did surrender to the police, and they ended up moving (separating) and I got a chance to share my faith with my next door neighbor.

When a man's ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him. Proverbs 16:7

When I lost my husband I literally was conscious that a hedge of protection came off my life.    It was a like a bubble popped in my life, and I started going through a series of spiritual attacks.  I’ve had other widows tell me the same. The only way I know to restore that hedge has been to live a life of intercessory prayer.   Praise is another one that has made up a hedge around my life.   I don’t quite understand the spirit of despair, but it’s the only way I’ve been able to break it’s hold over my life and it seems to try to oppress me.

I’ll blog on it more but my #1 ministry besides prayer is the ministry of comfort now.   In the past, I’ve been an encourager, but I minister more comfort.   The Holy Spirit is the top comforter in life.

I had made a conscious effort to get closer to God and to share my faith in a greater way two months before I lost my husband.  I get discouraged at times from sharing my faith and back off.  It’s sort of like the disciples who left Jesus.  He had 70 disciples and then he went down to 12 because things got too hard.  Sometimes, I’m very active and could share with someone about the Lord every single day.   I have shared my faith with several maintenance men who come out and repair my house.  It’s just if I have a nudge to do so.  My husband used to do all our own house repairs.

I know a person who has fought many battles with health issues as far as his heart and I have a friend who has been in a battle with cancer.  I woke up one Saturday morning and I heard, “Put on the whole armor of God.”  I knew that was God’s call to me to pray.  In fact, that has been my major ministry is a prayer ministry lately.  It talks about that in the Bible about how widows seek and pray to God day and night.  1 Timothy 5:5

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.  Ephesians 6:18

I looked on Facebook and a pastor’s wife got attacked physically the night before, and then I went to Indian Creek church and  the pastor informed us that a minister on the southside had been shot and killed by a mentally ill person.  We took up a collection for the former pastor’s wife and child. 

Some of us are called like David to fight many battles in life. Two things that really help me in fighting many battles is a good sense of humor and also that I have a music ministry like David had.  David sang himself to many victories in life.  When even his own son turned against him (which I can’t think of anything worse) is that he sang a song, and then his son who was trying to overthrow his throne received bad counsel and his plans failed. 

David at that time sang, "For the LORD God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right.” Psalm 84:11

David is really amazing to me in many ways, because if I listen to people who teach success CD’s, they don’t encourage us to be around unhealthy or not whole type people.  They encourage us to be whole so that we attract whole people.  It’s not really what God’s word teaches as far as we are to give more honor to the weak.

And the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care. So we carefully protect those parts that should not be seen, 1 Cor. 12:23

What is really bazaar about this is at times, I find myself taking on a prayer burden for people who are having problems and it’s wisdom to know the difference (what is my problem versus a prayer burden).  It’s wisdom to know what is a prayer of intercession.  I walked into East 91st Street Christian Church one Sunday, and as soon as I walked in the door, I immediately got a migraine headache out of nowhere and I never have migraine headaches.  The women’s restroom closed down for a health problem.  I know that was a prayer burden of intercession for that person.

Same thing happened for two days I had this feeling of despair and then my daughter was held up at gunpoint.  I know it was an intercessory burden for her in advance.  They wanted to steal her car, but a noise distracted them so the two robbers in ski masks stole her cell phone. 

I woke up one morning and I heard in my spirit, “Pray for your daughters.”  That afternoon a truck pulled left in front of my daughter’s car and she totaled her car, but she only sprained her hand.  Another time when I was a teenager, I broke out in an intercessory prayer of weeping and travail for no reason, and my brother informed me that my parents and him were almost broad sided by another car and could have been killed.  David fought many physical battles, but my battles have been mostly in prayer behind closed doors in life. 

I stood up to give my testimony at my sister's church as a teenager of some of the things I did as a non-believer and the pastor said, "Yes Mary your sister and the church were praying for you."  Immediately, I heard this voice say, "That is why you are a believer because of their intercession for you.”  Sometimes, I ask the Lord to make intercession through me when I pray.  It says that he “ever lives to make intercession for us before the throne of God.”

Therefore he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them. Hebrews 7:25

I received a heavenly language three months after I became a believer when I was 17 years old.  It talks about making intercession and then it goes on to say "all things work together for good" after it talks about having an intercessory prayer life.

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:26-28

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