Tuesday, July 30, 2013

What Is Being Equally Yoked?

Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 2 Cor. 6:14
Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so? Amos 3:3

I've spoken to many single people that they think finding a spiritual companion will solve all their problems. And yet, I was reading the biography of John Wesley who founded the Methodist Church and his wife was upset with him traveling all the time, they had strife over it, and she left him. I think it's rather sad that a person can have a dynamic call on his life, and he could not hold his family together as the spiritual leader.

Most likely, when the two first got together, a joint value system was not agreed on. For some people having children is not as important to someone else and then a person rather gets miss-matched into a relationship with someone who loves children. It's not a gray issue, the couple either has children, or they don't have children, but then if you force a person to do something resentment can build up.  Different views on discipline can be a problem and how money is managed can be a problem.

Another problem can be maturity issues.  If one is already a parent and a person marries someone who does not have children, they may not understand the commitment, time and money that goes into maintaining a relationship with a child even if it's every other weekend. To get to know a person in a relationship it takes time and add step children to the equation and then it takes more time to get to know our spouse because our time is divided.

We can change things that we do or don't do such as activities, but our value system is what drives us in life. For some people working a lot on a job and striving to have nice things in life may be what they want in marriage. But then some wives may resent a man who spends long hours at the office.

When the humdrum of daily living sets in than it can be a challenge how to inject life/or excitement into a marriage. I always saw it as a challenge how to keep the fire burning.   My relationship with the Lord is so similar, it's always a challenge to keep my fellowship with God flowing and exciting. It tells us to "fan the flame of God."

This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 2 Tim 1:6

Everyone has a list in their mind of what they want in a relationship, but I like to keep my list down to what are my top three most important values in a relationship. That is what it came down to in choosing my husband and him choosing me is our value systems were more matched with each other.

Where there are no cattle, the feeding trough is empty, but the strength of an ox produces plentiful harvests. Proverbs 14:4

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