Monday, July 28, 2014

God Cover My Behind

I find life is like a school lesson. It's required that I show up to class, that I pay attention, and that I learn my lessons.  After Adam and Eve sinned, instead of their covering their shame with fig leaves, God used animal skins to cover their nakedness.

There are times in life I've made poor decisions. It can be in choosing a marriage partner, a job, fortunately not a roommate (knock on wood), where I spend my money, who I choose as friends, and various other things.

We can make unhealthy choices about what we eat, drink and smoking. There are poor judgment calls.

Michael Jackson made a bad call in getting a doctor to inject him with drugs. Read the statistics of rock stars. Party like a rock star? There were many that never made it past their 27th birthday. I had a high school classmate who developed liver cancer from drinking alcohol too much. He quit, but it was not soon enough as far as it did irreversible damage to his liver and he passed away at age 55 years old.

When I was in my 20's, a former spouse and I were headed back from full time ministry in Wisconsin and I was driving late through Atlanta, Georgia. I was behind a semi truck that slowed down and I wanted to pass it. I hesitated and within a few feet there was an overturned car in the left hand lane with no emergency vehicle on the scene. If I would have passed that semi-truck most likely we all would have been killed, I was 7-months pregnant with twins.

It was my temptation to be inpatient. Jesus told us to pray, "Father lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one."

I don't want to live my life in the fast lane, I'll live in the middle lane. Like Joseph Prince said turtles live over 100 years whereas animals who are very fast like Cheetahs have a very short life span.

I had a similar incident with a semi-truck three years ago as I was turning left in front of the truck just past an intersection, a young college student was in a hurry and he clipped the bumper of my SUV. No one was seriously injured, but I had a "rebuke in my spirit." I heard, "Why did you turn left in front of the semi truck? Don't you remember your experience with one in the past? How people get inpatient around semi trucks?" My insurance got sued and my rates went up.

The Holy Spirit brings "all things to our remembrance." I wish I would have been more cautious, but recently when a semi truck stopped in traffic, I made the decision to go down and turn left at a stop light with an arrow, I'm not taking those chances in life anymore.

But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. John 14:26

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