Two of my daughter’s attended church with me on Mother’s Day. The pastor had a single professional mother share her testimony. My daughter said she could relate more to what this person shared than a pastor. It’s hard at times to relate to a pastor and his wife as a single mother, divorced or widowed.
Jesus said “Lazarus come forth.” They had to take off Lazarus grave clothes and it’s not always easy to take off our bondages in life.
The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped with strips of linen, and a cloth around his face. Jesus said to them, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go." Luke 11:44
Jesus waited for Lazarus to die for three days and then raised him from the dead. Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus, “Lord, Lazarus whom you love is sick.” Next, when Jesus comes Mary and Martha are saying, “Lord by now he stinks.”
Yeah Lord, by now my life stinks, dating over 50 stinks and currently the job market stinks too. I could sure use some of your resurrection power!
I heard that 82% of Americans worry about money.
I'm doing better with less worry in life. I’ve got my former spouse as an example of his stressing over losing his job. Men are not good about expressing their feelings. David expressed his feelings to God and about him in the book of Psalms.
Most women will tell you what they think. I had this attitude when we were married, “You can lump it or leave it” after going through a divorce. I’m glad he never left me, at least not willingly.
Feelings are important, although we should not be ruled by them. There have been many times I did not feel like going to something and I ended up having the best time.
Jesus is actually moved with the feelings of our infirmities
For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15
It tells us in the last days that men’s hearts will fail them for fear of things coming on this earth.
Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. Luke 21:26
Back when I was in my 20's a friend asked me to fill in at a nursing home and play my guitar. I remember this woman who kept saying over and over, "Where am I going to sleep tonight?" "What am I going to eat?" She must have had dementia but I remember thinking, "Wow I don't want to end up like that when I am older." I've been around enough chronic worry and fear people.
I was a chronic worry wart at the times. I had that nesting urge when I was seven months pregnant and my spouse made a bad decision to move back to Tulsa, Oklahoma from Florida, and we ended up homeless.
A single woman took us in and we also did not have many baby clothes for our twins, but than a single man came forward who was going through a divorce and he had a bunch of girl baby clothes he gave us.
Things working out at the most critical time of my life and it broke the stronghold of worry over my life. It was a trap that I fell into. God covers our mistakes.
A man said he was stressing out over his life and the Lord spoke to his spirit to go to sleep and He would stay up and worry for him. We are to cast our anxiety on the Lord.
A couple years ago I was stressing over my children and I heard in my spirit, "Is my arm short that I cannot save and is my ear short that it cannot hear?" It’s easier when we put the pressure on God to work in a loved one’s life instead of trying to correct and change them. I found that same true in marriage.
I kept praying in marriage and I saw a change. I kept a good attitude and did not get bitter that he was indifferent to meeting my needs when I started going through disillusionment that sets in after I got married. It’s putting pressure on God to work on our behalf and takes off the stress off of us. 80% of third marriages end up in divorce and I figured we were headed for divorce with having problems with step children full time. Fortunately, I had a Christian spouse that sought to please the Lord.
I find some Christian type teachings brings me into bondage. What it all comes down in life it is knowing Jesus (being intimately acquainted with him).
There is no other name above Jesus. He is the author and finisher of my faith. Mary focused on her relationship with the Lord (sitting at his feet) while Martha focused on what she could do for the Lord (serving). I find I do better when I focus on more of my relationship with the Lord (my devotion) than my service. My service is out of my devotion. It’s very similar to marriage is serving my spouse out of love not out of duty or obligation it’s a joyful serving.
Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! Psalm 100:2
It’s like Paul said, “to know Jesus and him crucified.” David also spent a lot of time with God in the shepherd field getting to understand/know the will of God.
For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Cor. 2:2
That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death; Philip 3:10
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